Friday, March 11, 2005

There's nothing like...

a bunch of middle school girls running around my computer lab.

Shortly after I posted my last post middle schoolers flooded into Townsend's lobby. Something to do with The Writing Project and Education Week this week.

Speaking of education week, I've tried to hold back on the free popcorn and soda this week and have done a pretty good job actually. Ryan on the other hand, had 10 bags of popcorn in a few hours yesterday setting a new Reflector record (no, there was no old record). I'm proud of you Ryan, but sorry for your stomach last night.

Today along with the youngins running around it was internship day out in the lobby. Talked to Independence people as usual, thanking them for helping pay a large part of my college expenses (as they pay mom's salary..and mom's always been good to me). Talked to a guy from Lee's Summit who's good friends with my aunt there. Some ladies from Sedalia grabbed me when I went by their booth after talking to a couple others and tried to convince me that Sedalia was the place for me.
Good stuff. Definately enjoyed the talk with the principal (a 30-something) from Lee's Summit the most. Said the new high school there was awesome and what he's planning for a new elementary school sounds great too....Lee's Summit is on the move.
(Sedalia's technology: "we're getting there" they say...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Invading my town eh? OH well doesn't your uncle work at LSN? It's a good place to be :) Did Ryan get sick after eating all the popcorn?? I was wondering about that.