Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This just in

1. If you've been drinking and you decide to take your horse and buggy out for a drive WATCH OUT, you can receive a DUI while operating that buggy. And watch out, if you happen to pass out in the buggy your horse might be able to make it home, but it may take out a few mailboxes or swipe a few cars on the way...and you'll be responsible.

2. Imagine this, you wake up and do a few chores. Then you have breakfast, more chores, lunch, more chores, and dinner. What's missing? Checking yourself out in the mirror. Many (most) Amish communities ban mirrors (with the exception of a small one for the man of the house to keep his beard in line; the beard is a very important aspect of Amish life). In fact, an Amish person can look into a photograph that they're in and not know which one they are (even a polaroid that was taken 1 minute before they look at it) unless they identify who was standing next to them. HOW MUCH DIFFERENT WOULD LIFE BE FOR US IF WE LIVED LIKE THAT?
So much of our lives are based on appearance.

Today: work until 6, then run home and change into ball playing clothes. Then to teammates place to celebrate getting into the rec league playoffs by drinking before our game at 8.


Anonymous said...

Have fun tonight celebrating - be careful!
:), Em

Anonymous said...

Since when do you drink before a game. Have a good one.

Leisha Jo said...

Will you drink a peach something or other?