Sunday, February 27, 2005

The Slow Beautiful Pain

If the race today was a song this would probably be its title.

How'd it go? Lets put it this way, if it was a 15 mile race I would have had a strong chance of winning.
Unfortunately for me it was a 32 mile race and I got dropped by everyone and their little sister. (FYI: getting dropped means the peleton (aka the pack; big group of riders, etc) rode off without me)
In fact, I was doing so terribly after the 16 mile mark that I actually was thinking about what I could post on here.
It was a great experience though, riding in a group of 40 riders is like riding behind a giant truck, very very little wind resistance. There were 4 Mizzou riders in the CAT 5 race and for the first 16 miles we were all together. Definatey an experience. Brady, Mizzou Cycling President, took first in the race. The other two were close behind. And of course I was bringing up the rear...making sure nobody got hurt of course. Damn I'm a nice guy :)

Now I'm going to take my sore butt and go to the library for some studying.

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

somebody's gotta bring up the rear... may as well do it proudly and w/ a smile on your face. :) good job andy...