Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Good question Boog

"does winning mean that much to you? do you think it's possible to play an incredible game-- perhaps the best ever-- yet not win? the whole 'playing w/ heart' bit"

First things first...the heart thing is much more than a 'bit'.
No winning does not mean all that much to me. Like I said, if a team plays as hard as they can and lose then you can shrug that off. Let's face it, no matter what you do someone out there is going to be better at it than you (if not at the moment then someone will come along eventually to unseed you).
Is it possible to play an incredible game and not win. If you're talking about individually then without a doubt. In high school we lost the best game I ever had (16pts, 18rbs along with another co-captain getting something like 20pts and 10rbs...also got punched in the nuts that game)
If you're talking about a team playing an incredible game then no. A team playing that way can always beat a couple individuals on the other team playing that way. I suppose that's part of what makes basketball (and other team sports) so frustrating at times, the fact that you have to count on others to do a specific job. They don't do that and you're screwed.

That may be part of the reason I get so much enjoyment from cycling, whether I win (or more often) lose everything is based upon me.

Back to reading the new GQ at work.


Anonymous said...

It's having the faith in the others to know they won't let you down. It's a team for a reason; you can't play a game all by yourself. You need the others. If you lose, then the whole team is responsible. If you win, same thing.
Have a little faith in others because you can't go about life all by your little lonesome.
I have faith in you...

Leisha Jo said...

when i said "bit," i was referring to the "bit" of what you've written in your blog before about playing w/ heart. i already know that "playing w/ heart" deserves more than the word "bit." you seem so driven to win, to be the best. when you criticize those who "don't play well," i think-- gosh-- maybe it isnt the goal of all people to be the best at a sport. maybe it's just to enjoy the sport. or play for fitness. i know these are both the cases for me when i play a sport, and why i love running so much. anyway. i respect your thoughts and our differences, regardless, and i ask the same of you.