Thursday, June 09, 2005

Night cookin

Tested out the breadmaker last night. Got a loaf of honey wheat bread finished at 2 this morning. It works great and is really easy to use.
Also made spagetti and a 2 layer cake last night.

Why? Well my excuse is that I never got a birthday cake so I had to make my own...but the real reason is probably all the cooking magazines I've been looking at while sitting around here at work. I've probably got about 7 of them in my bag right now.

Otherwise I've done a terrible job of waking up early enough to ride. I've ridden exactly zero mornings this week. A little over 4 hours on Sunday, 2 1/2 hours on Tuesday and that's it. If I'm feeling guilty enough I'll jump on the trainer for as long as possible when I get home tonight.
I did post a message on the cycling discussion board asking for people to ride with me in the morning, so if some are interested then I believe my morning cycling ratio will improve.

Lunch today:
Grilled chicken with a bunch of salad
Granola Bar
2 slices homemade bread
*NOTE: It took me way too long to get this ready and into my lunch bag this it's gonna have to be done the night before if I want any chance of keeping this up

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

that´s my brother, a mad cookin´ foo´!!!!!!!

go get on that bike, mister!!!!