Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Not able to

unfortunately I was not able to test this buttered bread theory out yesterday evening.
As I'll be working in the Zone this evening I probably can't do it tonight either. And since I've got 0 of 8-10 pages written for next Tuesday it will probably have to wait until this weekend.
This weekend I'll be visiting Iowa so it looks like the experiment might take place in Booger's room (you got a toaster don't you?....don't worry if you don't...I could bring mine :)

Presentation coming up in a few hours. Definately the first time I haven't been nervous about giving one. I suppose being the State Pimp (errr...president) of SMSTA did give me a bit more confidence.....
after the presentation and writing 3 article reviews I'll be done with the class. Only a paper and an exam left (both next week) for Amish class, then my undergraduate career is finally over after 5 long years.

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

ATTENTION! there will NOT be experimentation of any kind performed in leisha's dorm room, particularly that of buttered toast being thrown onto my carpet... no, no, no! :-P and no, i don't have a toaster. (sad.) look forward to seeing you!