Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Yesterdays ride was almost bad. Rode an Ashland loop and basically all the way into Ashland I was riding against the wind, which if you have ridden much you know that that equates to riding up a hill the whole time. So what is normally the best part of that ride for me sucked. As soon as I get the wind to my back I have to do some climbing.

And of course my first ride with only one contact in. About 10 miles in the wind got to my right eye and it started watering like a biatch. Messed with it for a little while and my contact popped out. tried to put it back in once but it burned like a mofo...so I gave up and decided as long as I've got one contact in I can see well enough to ride the next 30-something miles.

So with the wind and the lack of a contact I put in around 40 miles as apposed to the 50 or more than I had planned on.

Yesterday started off pretty well. Got to work on time, got my Amish mini-theme paper done before noon and visited with Jenny a little before class at 2. Turned my paper in right after class and went home for the ride.

Today has been alright. Amish wasn't too painful this morning, lunch (peanut butter sandwhich, some of Ted's chips, and a granola bar) was fine, and I'm getting a little bit of work done.
Don't feel too terribly bad about my big paper now since another person in the class hasn't even started thinking about it yet (never mind that she's got 2 kids to worry about too...so she's got an excuse)

Oh and I tried to post the odds Ryan and I gave the pope candidates a week or so ago but blogspot was messing up(which seems to have become normal when I'm trying to use it)...anyway the odds we gave Ratzinger were 8:1. I mean come on...the dude's 78 years old.

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