Sunday, January 30, 2005

7 Behavioral Immunogens

1. Physical activity
2. Eating breakfast
3. Getting enough sleep (7 hours or more a night)
4. Moderate alcohol consumption
5. Wearing a seat belt
6. Not smoking
7. Being at or near ideal weight

So do you do these?
If you like living and would like to do lots more of it I suggest you start.
I feel pretty good about how my life expectancy calculates according to what we talked about in my Health Psychology class. Of course there's absolutely no guarantee that I'll live until 82 like the sheet says. (avg. life expectancy for a male = 72; barring natural disasters, random violence, etc. I expect to reach the century mark)
The lesson here: life is a gift. Do the above and you'll take advantage of this gift as much as possible.


Leisha Jo said...

awesome post!!!

Anonymous said...

knew you would like that class :)