Friday, January 21, 2005

Boycott this coming Monday

If its possible to boycott a day then do it Monday.

The "most depressing day of the year" won't get to me. Nope...I'm just gonna ignore it. I'll pretend its tuesday or something.

In other news: late to work today. Maybe I have a sleep disorder or something. Time to do some internet research to find out.

Played ball last night with Nell. Actually didn't play on the court at the same time with him but he drove me there. Too many sucky people playing other sucky people so it takes forever for the next game to start. Lets just hope these youngins become a little less sucky or just give up after a certain amount of time.

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

hey now, don't be hatin'. your little sister is one of those sucky people. you know, sucky people can't get better until they practice... a lot. and they like to get their exercise and their pseudo-game on, as well. so... yeah.

it's back to school on wednesday for me, so... yep. it's a new semester-- hoorah! hope you survive this horrible monday you've been dreading and the days thereafter. hang in there... be in touch... i'm thinkin' aboutcha.