Saturday, January 01, 2005

1st of

Happy New Year..maybe it be a good one and blah blah blah. On second thought...screw it. Its another day. What you did yesterday still happened. What you're going to do tomorrow is still gonna make you feel dumb in a couple days. So happy another new day to you.

Otherwise just wanted to say hi. I'm at Scott's place, just got some Wings at Hooters in Independence. Not bad...and the wings were ok too.

I'm out like a fat man in dodgeball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey again! Sorry i missed your call and haven't called you back. I've been busy doing errr nothing :-p My new year's was alright, i was still getting over the stomach flu (nasty) so I fell asleep pretty much right after midnight while my friends stayed up at my house drinking and playing games lol. I'm a bad hostess. Hope you're well! Maybe we can do lunch later this week! Ihop or Steak n'Shake ;)