Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I wonder III....the final wonder

what effect this terrible semester will have on the rest of my life

and since I just feel like it...here's a pic of my brother, sister and I

This picture makes me happy. Maybe its because it looks like I could be slugging scott in the jaw, or maybe it's at grandma's house which by definition means happy feelings, or maybe its because the picture was taken at a time when booger and I were both un-depressed.

Well...might as well put one more up.

This picture definately makes me happy also. Why? Because its me with my campers at Heartland Presbyterian Center in beautiful Parkville,MO. Spiritually, this place has done more for me than any church building probably ever will. I've got a terrible memory but I can still remember these kids names...Sam, Octavia, and (alright..I can't remember her name, but I remember her parents didn't go to church so she would walk there herself and she was able to afford camp through a scholarship from the church she attended)


Erica said...

You had a great effect on HPC, too, you know. Did anyone counsel as much as you? Just think how many kids' lives you affected! Enjoy your break, Andy.

Leisha Jo said...

Keep thinking about those happy thoughts.

Hopefully this semester will affect your life in that you've learned a whole heck of a lot from it-- and if not, that you WILL learn from it... somehow. I'm only in my 2nd year of college but I'm already amazed at how much more learning seems to happen outside of class rather than inside of class (which is a whole heck of a lot, considering). Sometimes the lessons really suck. But somehow they wind up to be for the best (in time, probably).

Don't worry about the future... God's gonna take really good care of you (He is even now!, even when it doesn't seem like it). So lift that head, look in the mirror and admire your handsome self, then tell yourself "Creo que puedo!"

Love you. See you soon, bro. :)