Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Got the new mountainbike yesterday. Was super duper happy, even though I had just gotten spanked at Tuesday Night Worlds.

Stayed up 'till 3am messing with it trying to replace the chain, shifters, adjust the brakes, switch cassettes, and so on. Forgot that I would need new cables to make the when I stopped at 3am the bike was missing:
- chain
- rear derailleur
- both shifters
All thing you might consider pretty important to the bike being rideable (if you don't see the sarcasm here you need to go try and ride a bike missing these things)(and you singlespeeders don't still can't ride without the chain..unless its downhill..but that doesn't last forever)

Went to CycleX this morning and was there for almost an hour and didn't get much done. Too busy and not enough people (hmmm..if the biatches would have hired me maybe that could have changed).
Basically set up an appointment for the brakes to be bled Thursday as well as the wheels being trued. Paid way too much for cables and housing and came here to work about 15 minutes late.

Starting to feel like I'm not going to have the loan money left over that I need. Guess we'll find out.

So today will include: work, class, cycling meeting, work on the Cannondale until it's rideable.

Here's the bike in my garage before I started tearing it and the Giant up

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