Friday, November 26, 2004

Happy Turkey Day...a bit late

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope yours was half as great as mine.

Here's what went down in the Reynolds household in Odessa, MO. Lots o' food....I'm sure there was more and much tastier food than you had. Sorry, that's just the way it is at our house.

So grandma, grandma and grandpa, Sarah, Scott, Tracy, Booger, mom, dad and myself had a wonderful meal. The kind of meal you dream about when you're at mcdonalds taking a short break from work during the week.
Scott brought over "Elf" starring my man, Will Ferrell. Watched some of it and slept through part of it on the couch. Then booger and I went to see the Plaza Lights get turned on. Good stuff! If you've never seen the plaza lights you must go see them. Yes...that was an order...GO SEE THEM! You can even pay me and I'll be your escort :)

Then I took boog to see Scotts new house, and mom, dad, grandma and sarah had just gotten there (which I kinda thought might happen). So she got to see her big brothers new house and we chatted for a few minutes. Then boog and I went to see The Incredibles. Awesome I've said before...Pixar is going out Continental United States.

Its now 1:26AM and i'm not tired....way too much caffeine today. Kinda funny, booger made a comment on the way to the Plaza when I stopped at a gas station and got a cappucino and 2 candy bars. She says a little somethin like, "you're lucky to be able to eat like that and still look that way". My reply of course was..."you tell me that when i'm on the bike making my legs hate me". Well..that was after something like, "I look this way because I ride around 150 miles a week".
When we were leaving home we got in the car and she said, "this reminds me of how we used to go to the movies and you'd be smelling all good".
The moral of the story....Andrew smells good and eats too much chocolate. :) (And drinks too much caffeine which is why he's still writing and not in bed yet)

What I ate at the movie theatre: 3/4 bag of medium popcorn, 1 hotdog, 1 order of nachos and cheese, 3/4 cup of medium Mr. Pibb, 1 large Mr. Pibb (yes...2 seperate drinks..boog stold some of my first drink so I got another :)
How I was this hungry after all that we had earlier I will never know...and I was gonna have 2 more hotdogs when they went on sale for $1...but I got there too late..they were already out.

Enough for now...not gonna go to bed now but I'll catch up on some internet reading...its rough not having DSL here at the house....always makes going back to my place that much nicer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you had a great Thanksgiving Day with your family! You deserve it!! And it sounds like you and Leisha got to spend lots of time together - good for the both of you... Have a great rest of break!