Sunday, September 11, 2005


This weekend was an exhausting one.

Saturday I pushed my body to its limit in the mountainbike race here in Columbia, and still finished in the back of the pack. Not the best feeling to pain yourself that much only to finish near the back, but me finishing the race does give our team a good number of points.
Got lapped by another racer on my second to last lap. It was about 28 (of 30) miles into the race for this guy and he was moving like he had just started. I couldn't hold his wheel (stay right behind him for you non-bike language speaking folks) for more than a minute.
I can handle 30 miles in a road race (that was the distance of both road races I did this year), but it's much different on a mountainbike. The last lap (30 mile race. 6 five mile laps.) was probably the least amount of fun I've ever had on a bike...or had while holding a bike. When I was a junior there was a race that I got a flat but wanted to finish so I could get the points, so I walked the last few miles of the race. That was much more fun than the 5th lap yesterday!
Toes were cramping, at times it was hard to hold the handlebars because my knuckles would cramp up, my legs were cramping. The worst part was being lightheaded for the last 5-8 miles.
Huge difference between the guy that took 1st in the race and me. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

I'm tired and I'm supposed to meet a new Mizzou rider on campus at 7-freakin thirty for an introduction to the Big Tree loop. (For the record all I normally do on Mondays is work 2-10. That means waking up no earlier than 9 or 10.)
So goodnight it is.

Thanks Scott and Tracy for coming to see the race yesterday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember watching you at races similar to this - (Landahl one time in particular). Was no fun for you at all.

Sorry that you felt that way then, and now. How you must hurt!

Hope you feel better soon!