Friday, October 08, 2004

My weekend

What my weekend looks like:
Friday: take off from Columbia at 4pm....headed to the University of Indiana...or more like some kind of campground place near it. Then the MU team shall attempt to cram about 20 people into a cabin made for 10 I believe.

Saturday: My cross-country mouintainbike race starts at 8am...yeppie skeppie. Andrew was assigned to race "C's" so we'll see what happens (fyi: A's are the best/fastest, B's second fastests, C's are basically just expected to stay upright on the bike and eventually cross the finish line)
Later in the day is the Downhill race I think.

Sunday: Short Track Cross Country Race (STXC) sometime as well as Dual Slalom race.

I'll probably be doing all of these races depending on how much money I feel like spending and whether or not I'm motivated being in the "C's" races.

Oh yeah...and while all of this is going on I need to get two books read in order to write a paper thats due this coming Wednesday. Right.....thats gonna happen. Also have a project due Sunday (I sure hope its due at midnight like I think it is) that I'll be getting done as soon as i get back to Columbia....which ironically might be much closer to midnight than I expect.

Thanks to everyone that reads this.....sometimes just typing something out makes you feel better....don't believe me...start a blog (or a diary if you don't like others reading what you write) and see for yourself

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey andy...hope you did excellent in your race! Cya monday at work.
