Monday, October 25, 2004

Get 'er done

My weekend:
Saturday - did some mountainbiking around Cosmo Park by myself (damn lazy..or hung over... cycling team members...who really need to go to a homecoming game anyway, even if we did invent homecoming...), perfect day for it..and the new glasses are sweet. Relaxed for a little while at home then went on campus and read a book for 6 hours! Its not that I'm a slow reader...its just that if I'm gonna have to write a paper about this book then I've gotta slow it down, otherwise I'll end up having to basically re-read the book when I trying to write the paper.
Sunday - church, hurried home and changed and met a couple team members for a road ride. Perfect day for riding...its just that my body apparantly didn't realize that 'cause I was hurting...guess its been too long since I went on a lengthy ride. After recovering I went on campus again to write my paper. After a good 4 hours the paper was basically done (didn't have an intro or conclusion...threw those on after i got home). Feels great to finally be done with that paper!....but now I've got another longer one due next week. I know I can do great on this paper if I'm able to get all the research done...and I know I can get all the research done if I have enough the question is....will I have enough time? Its a question I don't know the answer to right now....

My fun for today - getting a haircut. Yes...I am that exciting of a person...sitting in a chair and having my hair chopped off really does bring me enjoyment.

So how was your weekend?

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