Sunday, August 27, 2006

bye bye wisdom teeth

So the operation went fine. I remember talking one minute and the next minute waking up in the "recovery" room with dad. Other than having my right cheek a little puffier than normal I felt fine. Haven't used any pain medication, mainly because there hasn't really been much pain.
Went and saw Incincible Friday evening. Decided beerfest wouldn't be the best movie to see because I couldn't smile or laugh real good. So that'll happen another time. The movie was great!

Did just a little bit of work around the house yesterday when I wasn't watching old episodes of Entourage and icing my face. So far in this place among other things I've installed a ceiling fan upstairs and a new light/fan switch downstairs in my room. No electricutions yet :)

Looks like today will be more icing of the face, a little work on the Dual Slalom course (the Mizzou hosted mountainbike race is this coming weekend...which means the clothing-optional race is this saturday night/sunday morning :), and I've got to look at the curriculum for school because I'll probably be teaching a couple lessons this week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clothing-optional bike race? Couldn't that get uncomfortable, to put it mildly?