Thursday, August 24, 2006

Being put out, and why only a few

The first couple of school days have been good. I'll miss the first friday of the year because I'm having my wisdom teeth pulled out. They said they'll be putting me to sleep, hopefully they'll wake me back up afterwards. Dad is coming up to get me there and make sure I get home in one piece. As of now I expect to be cleaning and arranging the duplex part of Saturday and Sunday...and I'd really really like to be able to go see Beerfest Friday night, but that's probably a long shot.

There are two Business teachers at Hickman. That's right, 2 business teachers at the largest high school in the state*. Today I found out that 9 years ago there were 6 or 7, and slowly that number has gone down. I also found out that one of the teachers is retiring at the end of this year. Would I love to have that job? Absolutely. Do I have a chance? I honestly have no idea. I sure hope it's at least a maybe.

As far as the shrinking number of business teachers at HHS, Jeaniene, my teacher, and Vicki, the other teacher who is retiring, think it has to do with the supposed lack of demand of the business classes. Even though the majority of student that come out of there list Business as the subject they'll likely go into after high school there's not enough of them signing up for the classes. And even some classes that do have a large enough demand to warrant a class aren't created because the powers above, the superintendent, don't want to hire more business teachers.

Another part of the demand problem is that there are soooooo many classes available at Hickman. They have a frickin' culinary program in the school. It's "taken off" the last few years so there's a packed class every hour. Other classes like it, a huge amount of AP offerings, and a college town that where students are more likely to think they can become a brain surgeon so they take all those AP classes could also aid in the destruction of the business department.
To be 100% truthful, Hickman only employs one business teacher, Vicki, as Jeaniene is a Career Center employee technically.

*While Hickman does not have the largest number of students in the building, in the state, it is considered the largest because the schools that have a larger number have freshman in the building while Hickman only has sophomores through seniors.

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

oh, man! -- if it were to be a possibility, you'd jump on that, right?

have a BLAST getting those wisdom teeth pulled, and just as an fyi, you might not want to plan on doing too incredibly much right afterward (the first couple of days after the Big Event). if anything, though, you should take your chipmunky-cheeked self to a place where you can get close-up pics taken of your face, and send them to me so i can laugh at you. really hard. ok, just kidding, sort of. if it's a good oral surgeon, then maybe he or she will wake you up afterward. maybe. i sort of wish i wouldn't have been woken up, at least not until the swelling and bleeding went down. oh, what fun you have to look forward to!

ok, that's all. gotta work on my paper. speaking of which, how's your reading going for that paper? love you... bye, mr. reynolds!