Monday, November 14, 2005


Feeling a bit overwhelmed right about now.

$ - don't have any. Credit card companies call at least once a day (4 companies each day, around 5 or 6 calls per day).
Mostly worried about Thanksgiving and Christmas break. The only chance I have of financially surviving the breaks is finding a job. But how do I find one that will allow me to work just a few weeks?

School - if I could get one class created for me next semester I could student teach next Fall and be done in December. If my advisor would have made it clear to me that I needed to take it this semester this wouldn't be a problem, but she made it sound like it would be good to take it, not that it would save thousands of dollars.

So now do i become a part time student next semester (only have one education class schduled unless I can get the other one added, in which case I would have a full load) and figure out the financial consequeces of it, or add classes I don't really need and stay a full time student?

The College of Education can suck it.

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