Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Da Vinci Code

I'm trying to finish up The Da Vinci Code.

Got it here at work with me. I've decided to keep it in my bag until it's finished. Otherwise, I'll never finish it. I've only been reading it for 5-6 months.

I really like some of the ideas in the book. It's supposedly based on facts also. I almost wish I hadn't found a little film about called something like "The Real Da Vinci Code" which shows the foundations for a couple of the main ideas of the book (such as there being a bloodline from Jesus) were based upon lies.

Back to the whole book reading taking forever thing. It kinda ticks me off. I start a book. Then I start another one, and then another one. (And I've got about 8 more at home that I plan on reading) That's why I've been reading this book for so long.

Should you care? Not really...but you already read it so HA!

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

i care! i care! i care!