Thursday, September 16, 2004

Digital Communication - unit 3

My thoughts on the articles: (requires account setup)
I never would have guessed the degree that youth today (wow that makes me sound old) interact online. I can understand how posting something online, whether you think someone is going to read it or not, can relieve some stress. Definately an interesting article worth reading!
Hmmm..never heard of an "A list" blog...actually the sound of that bothers me.

Presidential Candidates blogs:
I hate politics. Enough said. I would read these (as opposed to skimming them) if I thought there were actually thoughts of either one of these men in them...but I'm pretty sure its a bunch of BS so skimming works or me.
However, I like layout of Kerry's site much better so I will vote for him.....oh yeah...and because "No Child Left Untested" is the one of the worst creations ever. Leave the education to the educators.
All I'm getting right now is "Internal Server Error". If the page is ever back up I'll let you know what I think of it. Based on the fact that the title is "The Web: Blogs Reshaping Political News" and my dislike for politics, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna dislike reading the article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't finish reading that last one, but from what i gather it's just a review about the impact political blogs (like the presidential ones you posted) have on political campagnes and such. Kind of a boring read, hence why i didn't bother finishing it. Why exactly do you hate politics so much? Not that I'm an avid fan, but some of it can be interesting.
