Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A little freezin' in December

Rode about 40 miles with another guy this afternoon.
Weather wasn't too bad...mid-30s with a nasty, but not as nasty as the other day, cold wind. Did a couple loops of the Apple Cup course.

He put me in the pain box a couple days ago, today wasn't as bad. Almost visited the pain box once, but could have handled a little more. The scales just said I weight 206, I expected a little closer to 200 because of how good I felt on the bike. Much better than my first couple rides since taking some time off.

That's it for now....gots to find a job...or start pawning stuff off like Nell did.
F'n hire me people...I've got numbchuck skills and "i'm good with computers"(that ones for you scott, if you remember when we heard that said over and over again years ago)

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

my brother`s got all SORTS of skills! wheeee doggies!