Friday, February 24, 2006

f'n neiman marcus

has plain white t-shirts for $70!
(Disclaimer: I get my white tee's at walmart. Something like 3 for $6.)

With the help of I'm learning going to learn how dress up fashionably. Mom and I just picked up 3 1/2 nice button up shirts a couple weeks ago for the price of one of these fancy (read: plain) white tee's. What the hell f'n neiman marcus?

Alright, gotta find out about this whole sweater over button down shirt revolution that's going on...


Erica said...

Three and a half nice button-up shirts? How do you buy a half a shirt?

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of the sweater over the button down shirt!

Leisha Jo said...

our mama sure taught us how to shop right!