Thursday, December 07, 2006

It's official

I'm in Columbia Public Schools system for subbing. Got my first call a couple minutes ago by the automated system. Too bad I'm still student teaching (tomorrow is the last day), or I could take the job and make eighty bones for the day. (While typing this I just got another from Rock Bridge High School for a business ed. teacher...doh...)

In other news I was really discouraged for a while at school today. A day that I went to a conference in KC my host teacher had the students write a sentence or two about what they thought about me and my teaching. There were some really good things, and some things that made me think I need to find a new career path. Actually most of the things that some students didn't like were things that other students I've come to terms with what they said. Maybe I'll share some of them in the next couple days.
One guy did say that me "standing over" him sent shivers down his spine, but then again this is a student who plans on writing a book about how the US political system is failing and currently has a 13% or so in the class. Only two students put their names on their little evaluations..he wasn't one of his. I could just tell who it came from.
Ooop, that's three subfinder calls. Time to login and say I'm not available for tomorrow so i don't get calls all night.

Peace out, time to write an overdue paper

1 comment:

Leisha Jo said...

so? you're a big guy. maybe i'd be afraid of having you stand over me, too.